Thursday, October 29, 2009

29 October 2009

Hello :D How long has it been till this blog has last been visited?? =.=
Haha, wonder how long will it take for someone to notice what changes this blog has gone :D
Updates! (:

St John's camps (Nov/Dec 09 holidays)
1. JUNCO cum Standard One Training Camp
   ~ Date: 20th- 23rd November (Friday to Monday)
   ~ Pre camp for instructors (yes, that's us xD) on 19th Nov, 9am to 5pm.
   ~ Involvement: Sec 1-3 cadets (:

2. SINCO camp (Pay attention to this, except for Nigel and Genelyn, who have been deprived of fun during this camp. HAHA, jkjk. (: )
   ~ Course Commencement Date: 27th November, 0800 hours at NHQ (Full uniform)
   ~ Theory Course: 29th November, 4th to 5th December
   ~ Camp dates: 11th to 14th December (Sadly, Nigel's birthday falls in between but he's taking an escape all the way to Japan. HAHA.)
   ~ Camp venue: (Prepare yourselves) St John's Island and Pulau Ubin :O
   ~ Examination date: 9th January 2010
   ~ POP: (Probably the highlight of it all) 30th January 2010

Okay, seriousness aside. Seriousness kills the fun :D Have you counted the number of smiley faces there are in this post alone?? :D Can you already guess who I am?? xD If you guess wrong, you are all dead. And doomed. In fact, don't breathe your next breath. :D

Dearest Alpha, we're all going to pass out very soon, this last camp's probably the only last thing we'll be doing together. (Except, ya. Won't rub salt into that. ^^) By next year we'll suddenly turn into drones thinking about that letter "O" for 365.25 days next year. 

Let me grab a Kleenex. xD LOLs. I'm kidding. I am. Repeat after me, "Charlene's kidding." (:

Okay, because it's my pattern to type really really really long posts everytime I revive a blog, I'm not even halfway done right now. Which prompts me to check the requirements, the word limits for a novel. Budding writer, eh? :D Once again, k-i-d-d-i-n-g. (:

Upcoming birthdays! In... 44 days it'll be Nigel's birthday, in 54 days, it'll be someone's birthday, not important, it's VERY important. In fact, if you haven't marked it out on your calendar, do it now. NOW. xD
In 57 days, it'll be Michelle's birthday! ;D The youngest little girl in Alpha. xD Oh dear, hopefully she doesn't read this. (:

Okay, when I said I wasn't even halfway done, I'm kidding. Again. And for the record, "kidding" may have the word "kid" but just because I use it lots, doesn't mean I'm one. (: 
I'm ending here, don't cry, I know my crap is entertaining and all :D
LOL. (:
Toodle-oo :D Charlene's here, in case you still haven't realised. (: =.=


At February 5, 2010 at 6:30 AM , Blogger michelle said...

I SAW THAT, like after 1month ++ LOL


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